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the bootymachine


The Bootymachine grooves

Booty Machine #245

BootyMachine.net - home of the daily improvised booty and machines - Ridiculous red nosed goatRidiculous red nosed goat
123 bpm

Z's orginal 3 bass grooves
Z1.Z2.Z3.Z1D0.Z1Z2D0.Z1Z3D0.Z1Z2Z3D0.Z2D0.Z2Z3D0.Z3D0.Z1D0 - 3490.16KB

Z1D0.Z1V1D0.Z1V1V2D0.Z1V2D0 - 1367.72KB

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Jack is a goat. He is well build, as he should be, and can handle fairly massive amounts of work on the farm. Joe is another goat, he is also known as the ridiculous red nosed goat, but his nose is in fact pink. And it isn't so ridiculous by the way. And he's a cow too.
BootyMachine :
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Z :
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Vinston :
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