Booty Machine #76 - home of the daily improvised booty and machines - He won her playing poker He won her playing poker87 bpm Z's orginal 3 bass grooves Z1.Z2.Z3.Z1D0.Z1Z2D0.Z1Z3D0.Z1Z2Z3D0.Z2D0.Z2Z3D0.Z3D0.Z1D0 - 5458.36KB Z+Vinston Z1D0.Z1V1D0.Z1V1V2D0.Z1V2D0 - 2096.54KB back to BootyMachine's
No romantism here. He liked her, she didn't care. There where a few pretending men. They played and he won her playing poker. Simply, and she still didn't care.
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